Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Lily and the NAIL POLISH

Wednesday of last week I was cleaning Lily's room because for the thousandth time she emptied all her drawers all over the floor:) When all of the sudden I smell this smell, its a familiar smell, but I just can't place it. I walk out of her room towards the stairs it gets stronger and stronger and turn and go into my room and then i figure out the smell is coming from my bathroom. I turn the corner and there standing at the drawers with her back to the door was Lily.
Me standing at the door way: Hi Lily
Lily with her back to the door: Hi Mommy
Me still in the door way: What are you doing Lily?
Lily still with her back to me: Oh ... I do nothing mommy
Me: Lily what are you doing?
Lily turning around: Well mommy me paint my NAILS see so pretty
Me walking closer to her: Lily you have been so naughty its all over your face, clothes, arms, legs, it's not makeup!
Lily crying: oh my mommy I so sorry!

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