Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Sick at Camp :(

In case you haven't heard poor sweet Hannah was running a 102 fever after being at camp less than 24 hours:( Hannah was crying and crying saying she wanted to go home so her counselor sent her to the nurse to talk to her. The nurse was loving on her telling her she going to have a great time when she noticed she was burning up. So after a first rough night of her and Chloe crying and sneaking into each others beds (which is against camp rules) their counselor gave in at 11:15 and let them sleep together the first night. The second night was when Hannah was sick and in the nurses cabin, after dinner Chloe "hurt" her leg and got sent to the nurse she was crying when she got there Hannah heard came running out the hugged and hugged and wouldn't let go! The nurse said she felt bad sending Chloe back to her cabin, but she had to. Come to find out this afternoon they both cried themselves to sleep last night the nurse rubbed Hannah's back until she fell asleep and Chloe's counselor had to get in bed with her until she fell asleep. Hannah saw the camp Dr today at 1 and he found nothing wrong with her, her fever broke around 11:30. The Dr asked the nurse to keep her until dinner time just to make sure it didn't come back! When it was time to get ready for dinner Hannah's whole cabin came to pick her up, Chloe and Hannah hugged and cried and said to each other I love you, I missed you so much. The nurse said they all skipped off:) Then nurse did say she would be lonely now Hannah was very entertaining;) (that's out Hannah)

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